Skill-Up is an online platform, boasting an extensive database of exercises and the possibility to create physical, preventive and active rehabilitation programs for athletes, clients, patients...
These programs can also be shared online with fellow licensees on the Skill-Up platform.

This web application is directed at every coach, trainer, physiotherapist, teacher, fitness instructor... who wishes to create schedules to improve and enhance the motor and physical skills of their target audience in a responsible manner. These schedules can also be shared online with fellow licensees on the Skill-Up platform.

No more need to browse numerous books or CDs, just set up a few filters such as ‘objective’ (e.g. stretching, exercises for the abdomen and back, coordination...) or ‘available equipment’ (e.g. mat, swissball, elastic bands...). In addition to this, Skill-Up features the largest collection of specialized exercises, such as redcord, compex, powerbreathe...

The exercise database on the online Skill-Up platform is frequently expanded with new exercises and features. These online updates are available (immediately and unlimited) to each licensee during their license period.


Very affordable


Unlimited use

User friendly

For every sport, rehabilitation & retraining